Your pharmacist will tell you when your prescription needs to be renewed. It is your responsibility to set an appointment with your doctor and have it renewed so as to avoid your treatment being interrupted.

Nevertheless, we sometimes forget to book an appointment with our doctor. In certain circumstances, a pharmacist may be able to extend your prescription for a limited time and, in certain cases, fees may apply. However, federal laws prohibit a pharmacist from extending prescriptions for certain medications, such as narcotic drugs. Consequently, it is important to meet with your attending physician as soon as possible so as to avoid interrupting your treatment.

Here are three things to keep in mind to ensure that you are ready for your doctor’s appointment.

  1. Request an appointment with your pharmacist before your prescriptions run out.
  2. Bring your list of medications, and a list of any questions you may have, to your appointment at the pharmacy.
  3. List which of your prescriptions are due to be renewed before your appointment with your doctor.
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